My College Fund

Belated Earth Hour 2008

Pada petang 1 April 2008, aku mengadakan majlis prank April Fool bersempena dengan Earth Hour 2008 yang aku terlepas. Since aku ingat aku sorang je yang sambut Earth Hour kat USM ni, so aku ajak la student practical sekali.

Rupanya bukan aku seorang sahaja di USM yang sambut acara ini, rupanya Projek Kampus Sejahtera, Universiti Sains Malaysia juga telah menganjurkan celebrate Earth Hour juga, tapi pada 29 Mac, dengan sejam lewat, iaitu pada pukul 9pm hingga 10pm. Dengar ceritanya atas sebab-sebab keselamatan (yang dicadangkan oleh Jabatan Keselamatan), hanya lampu dormotori sahaja yang off, lampu jalan tidak dipadamkan semasa tempoh tersebut

Berikut adalah gambar-gambar dari sambutan Earth Hour versi saya:

Sedikit Maklumat tentang Earth Hour
On March 31 2007, for one hour, Sydney made a powerful statement about the greatest contributor to global warming – coal-fired electricity – by turning off its lights. Over 2.2 million Sydney residents and over 2,100 businesses switched off, leading to a 10.2% energy reduction across the city. What began as one city taking a stand against global warming caught the attention of the world.

In 2008, 24 global cities participated in Earth Hour at 8pm on March 29. Earth Hour is the highlight of a major campaign to encourage businesses, communities and individuals to take the simple steps needed to cut their emissions on an ongoing basis. It is about simple changes that will collectively make a difference – from businesses turning off their lights when their offices are empty, to households turning off appliances rather than leaving them on standby.

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