Two days ago I received a package, it's from oversea. At first I thought it was Canonical sending me some Ubuntu CDs. But I notice this time it is not from Europe. I is from U.S.A. After I check I receive opensolaris starter kit.
The Starter kit consist of two DVDs. Disk one contains OpenSolaris learning materials, Belenix LiveCD, Schillix LiveCD, Nexenta LiveCD, Nexenta Install, and OpenSolaris Source. Disk 2 contains Solaris Express Community Edition b76 including: Sun Studio Tools, NetBeans, StarOffice (yup, staroffice).
I like to thank Afrezal Abdul Karim for jolting me with some facts about contributing to the Free Software / Open Source Software community. Because of him, I starts localize some projects. At this momment, I am localizing Wordpress.

at last dapat jugak hang cd opensolaris.. happy installing :).apa cita dgn opensuse dah layan.?