WE refer to the letter “Say ‘Yes to PPSMI’” (The Star, Oct 3) by Tunku Munawirah Putra, honorary secretary of Parent Action Group for Education (PAGE).
The author claimed that the Government was ill-advised when it decided to abolish PPSMI in 2009.
As a result, national schools are now not the school of choice as many parents prefer to enrol their children in Chinese and private schools. These remarks are mere conjecture.
We would like to clarify that the decision to abolish PPSMI was done after careful deliberations.
The Ministry consulted various stakeholders and conducted in-depth studies on the effectiveness of PPSMI and its impact on student learning before scrapping the flawed policy.
We found that during the implementation of PPSMI only 4% of Mathematics and Science teachers used 90% or more of English in the teaching and learning of the two subjects.
A majority of them used a mixture of Bahasa Malaysia and English. More often than not, the teachers had to switch to Bahasa Malaysia in their teaching because students could not understand their lessons in English.
A study conducted by a group of educationists from the Universiti Perguruan Sultan Idris (UPSI) revealed that 70% of Form Two students found it difficult to learn Mathematics and Science in English.
Another study done by a Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) professor concluded that PPSMI hampered students’ ability to understand Mathematics and Science concepts, hence resulting in their poor performance in the two subjects.
The Education Ministry also received numerous views from experts, non-governmental organisations and concerned individuals about the impact of PPSMI on student learning.
In the main, we found that students who had poor command of English were at the receiving end of PPSMI. They could not acquire the knowledge of Mathematics and Science as they were not proficient in the language that the two subjects were taught.
We estimated that about 500,000 students ‘fell victim’ to PPSMI each year. Obviously, it is gross injustice to these students if we decide to continue with the policy.
Only students with good command of English benefited from PPSMI. We found that these students also performed well in other subjects that are taught in Bahasa Malaysia, indicating that they will have no problem learning Mathematics and Science in Bahasa Malaysia.
After careful deliberations, the Education Ministry decided that the teaching and learning of Mathematics and Science should be conducted in Bahasa Malaysia in national schools and in vernacular languages in the Chinese and Tamil national-type primary schools.
This decision is in line with the position taken by Unesco that the mother tongue is the best medium of instruction in schools.
Thus, the claim made by Tunku Munawirah that the Government was ill-advised when it made the decision to abolish PPSMI is baseless.
She also made a gross factual error by implying that many parents prefer to enrol their children in national-type Chinese schools due to the abolition of PPSMI. This argument is not supported by fact.
The national-type Chinese schools have been offering the two subjects in Mandarin during the implementation of PPSMI, with additional hours of teaching and learning of the two subjects in English.
With the abolition of PPSMI, the national-type Chinese schools will offer the two subjects in Mandarin. Private schools which use the national curriculum will offer the two subjects in Bahasa Malaysia.
We could not agree with the author that PPSMI is the only way forward for education in Malaysia should we want to create quality workforce and achieve high-income nation status.
This argument ignores the fact that the current generation of scientists, technocrats, lawyers, accountants and other professionals are the product of our National Education System where Bahasa Malaysia is the medium of instruction in schools.
For many decades, Bahasa Malaysia has been our national language and the language of knowledge. It has proven to be an effective medium of instruction in the national schools.
We, however, concur with the author that Malaysia must produce top grade workers who will be able to compete in the globalised world.
And for this reason, our country needs a population that is competent in English.
In relation to this, the Education Ministry has taken comprehensive measures to improve our students’ command of English through the Strengthening English Language (MBI) policy.
We are improving the methods of teaching and learning of English in schools, increasing English hours and hiring quality English teachers, including from abroad, to help our students be proficient in English.
We believe that there are many ways to improve English ability among our students and we are working very hard to realise this objective.
What we need is the support of all parents to help us enhance the quality of our education and improve student learning.
Ministry of Education Malaysia.
My College Fund
Baucar percuma RM10 Tesco kembali lagi

Terma & Syarat:
• Hanya baucer asal diterima
• Terhad kepada 1 baucar setiap transaksi pada setiap hari
• Baucar tidak boleh ditukarkan dengan wang tunai
• Baucar tidak boleh digunakan untuk membeli Baucar Hadiah Tesco, barangan tembakau dan kredit pra-bayar E-Pay

• Tidak sah untuk digunakan dengan baucar-baucar Clubcard dan baucar tunai Tesco
• Pulangan baki tidak akan diberi sekiranya nilai pembelian adalah kurang daripada nilai baucar.
Salmon Steak
Salmon Steak Medan Selera Giant Bayan Baru ini dijual pada harga RM10.00 (biasanya RM12) sehingga akhir disember ini kerana ruang sewa mereka akan disewa oleh company lain bermula 1/1/2012
Final days of Salmon Steak, Food Court, Giant Hypermarket, Bayan Baru. Sold at discounted price of RM10 (instead of normally RM12) due to new tennant will take over their rent space effective 1/1/2012
Cepat! Baucar PERCUMA RM10 TESCO

Terma & Syarat:
• Hanya baucer asal diterima
• Terhad kepada 1 baucar setiap transaksi pada setiap hari
• Baucar tidak boleh ditukarkan dengan wang tunai
• Baucar tidak boleh digunakan untuk membeli Baucar Hadiah Tesco, barangan tembakau dan kredit pra-bayar E-Pay

• Tidak sah untuk digunakan dengan baucar-baucar Clubcard dan baucar tunai Tesco
• Pulangan baki tidak akan diberi sekiranya nilai pembelian adalah kurang daripada nilai baucar.
Emel Bank Islam palsu. Awas! #phishing
Soalan Lazim SBPA telah dikeluarkan JPA ( SBPA FAQs )

Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam telah mendengar dan meng-compile-kan jerit-perih, keluh-kesah, dan kebingungan rakan-rakan penjawat awam sekelian di dalam sebuah fail PDF yang boleh dimuatturun di SINI ... ye download soalan lazim (FAQ) SBPA di sini.
Bagi rakan-rakan FT17, soalan anda telah dijawab
Kenapa skim perkhidmatan Juruteknik Komputer tidak dinaik taraf ke kelompok kelayakan masuk minimum STPM seperti skim perkhidmatan Juruteknik walaupun memperuntukkan syarat kelayakan masuk sijil politeknik?
Skop fungsi tugas Juruteknik melibatkan tugas-tugas teknikal meliputi aspek pembinaan, keselamatan kenderaan/jentera, ubah suai bangunan serta kerja-kerja pemetaan yang memerlukan kelayakan masuk Sijil Politeknik. Manakala skop fungsi tugas Juruteknik Komputer pula adalah meliputi perkara-perkara seperti mengurus stor dan rekod alat ganti, membaik pulih tetikus atau pencetak, menjalankan peningkatan perisian ke versi terkini dan melaksanakan instalasi program mengikut keperluan pengguna komputer yang mana ianya cuma memerlukan kelayakan masuk SPM. Walau bagaimanapun penyandang skim perkhidmatan Juruteknik Komputer yang mempunyai kelayakan Sijil Politeknik telah diperuntukkan penetapan gaji permulaan yang lebih tinggi.
Yang soalan-soalan lain bolehlah anda baca di dalam soalan-soalan lazim SBPA tu nanti ye
FT17 = kerja berisiko (silap-silap boleh kena rogol)
Lirik single terbaru Yuna (masih belum bertajuk)

* akan dinamakan peminat / will be based by fans suggestions
I... love you...
Like, like, like, like, like, like I said I would...
I'll... take care... of you...
Like, like, like, like, like, like I said I would
You walk in like a dream...
Sending butterflies to my tummy
I don't want you to leave...
Cause I need, I need, I need you to be with me
Cause music sounds...
Better, better, better when I'm with you...
Oh my love
I'll never, never, never let go of you
I'll be there...
Like, like, like, like, like, like I said I would...
I... will stand... by you
Like, like, like, like, like, like I said I would
You walk in like a dream...
Sending butterflies to my tummy
I don't want you to leave...
Cause I need, I need, I need you to be with me
Cause music sounds...
Better, better, better when I'm with you...
Oh my love
I'll never, never, never let go of you
(Repeat twice)
Da, da, da, da, da, da
Da, da, da, da, da, da
Da, da, da, da, da, da, da...
Video Yuna - Hotlink People Powered Concert

Dari segi teknikalnya video ini bukan merupakan video siaran langsung seperti sangkaan awal. Jika siaran langsung, mungkin 10,000 penonton bakal kecewa dengan kelembapan internet yang cikai.
Apa pun korang yang tak sempat boleh enjoy video youtube ini... itu aje la kualiti yang korang dapat since tak tengok konsert.
video dirakam oleh eizzeera
Sah! Konsert Online Yuna Malam ini

Bersama Yuna cipta sejarah konsert online pertama Malaysia. (Hotlink #NowYouCan concert)

(pengguna facebook sila klik di tajuk) Kini anda boleh mencipta sejarah dengan menjadi penonton konsert online pertama* (*aku rasalah)di Malaysia menampilkan Yuna.
Yuna Azrai akan mendendangkan single terbaru yang buat pertama kalinya dipersembahkan untuk khayalak ramai.
Konsert ini bakal diadakan ONLINE pada 14 Disember 2011 jam 8:00 malam, tapi hanya 10,000 tiket je dibuka untuk tayangan, so dapatkan tiket ini dengan segera sebelum kehabisan.
Klik di sini untuk membuka tiket menggunakan facebook.
You wanted Yuna? You got it! Hotlink #NowYouCan is bringing u the 1st People Powered Concert ft Yuna!
Book your tickets fast – Yuna is performing at Hotlink #NowYouCan concert this Dec 14, hurry unlock her latest single!
Yuna fans! Book ur tix for the Hotlink #NowYouCan concert before she performs Dec14!
Can’t wait to hear Yuna perform her latest single at the Hotlink #NowYouCan people powered concert – book your tickets yet?
Eksklusif: Lirik Sorry Sorry Boboi Bentan kini didalam video Super Junior (K-Pop)
Kawan-kawan, hari ni kita layan lagu korea K-POP kumpulan Super Junior yang dipopularkan dalam Maharaja Lawak Mega oleh Afdlin Shauki dan Harun Salim Bachik... Aku takde Astro kat rumah, so bila dapat lirik lagu ni, aku cuba matchkan dalam video youtube. So tanpa lihat Astro, ini adalah agak-agak aku. Dalam kesempatan ini, aku saja try testing software edit video yang tak pernah guna.
Kriteria dapat RM500 bantuan tunai kerajaan
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