Walaupun tarikh rasmi RON95 dijual adalah esok 1 september, namun pengguna telah menikmati RON95 yang dijual beberapa minggu dalam bulan Ogos dengan harga RM 1.75.
Hari ini, kerajaan mengumumkan harga minyak yang akan dijual pada mulai 1 September 2009 adalah RM 1.80 bagi RON95 dan RM 2.05 RON97. Berbanding dengan RM 1.75 dan RM 1.80 masing-masing.
Harga petrol RON97 sebelum ini dijangka dinaikkan kepada RM 2.00 dengan memberikan kelegaan kepada pengguna memilih RON95 pada harga RM 1.75.
Jadi apa yang tiada perubahannya? Tiada perubahan ... cuma RON je berubah.
My College Fund
Reason why I bought Wii
is because of Wii Fit.
Here is some preview of what inside Wii Fit the game
Here is E3 trailer of Wii Fit
Also, I am waiting for Wii Fit Plus to be released
Gundam W is aint for Wings, but Wedding

What a cool way to wed. In Tokyo recently there was a Gundam Wings err... Wedding. I guess in Malaysia, your idea or Gundam wedding will be definately be opposed by your spouse or family, (unless, being sponsored and get to be on TV)
Please read more from
Real Mobile Suit Gundam is in Bagan?

"Biar betul! Gundam kat Bagan?!"
...asked my office colleague. He firstly thought that this Gundam is in Pulau Pinang due to some shipping port cranes seen in the backround. Earlier, I mentioned to him that this aint photoshop picture, this is a true 1:1 replica of RX78 from the original Mobile Suit Gundam TV Anime series.
Then I corrected him that this Gundam is erected Tokyo
Wii merupakan revolusi baru dalam permainan konsol. Anda perlu meniru gaya permainan sebenar untuk bermain.
6 apples a day keeps the H1N1 away
that's what an e-mail that I receive says... here the (censored) actual copy.
My staff was crying herself sick on Tuesday morning...was told that her son was
confirmed of H1N1 in his Uni [censored] ...worse was that when he was bedridden 2 days the warden didnt even bother to sent to hospital till his dad came fm KL and with his friends assistance brought him to GH [censored]....
No one bothered in the hospital and he was put in the normal ward for another 2
days!!! (imagine the amount of people he has infected!!) .....after 2 days and his
eyes were turning yellow and saliva greenish...he was put in quarantined room...
Called his mom to say...minta maaf and ampun la dosa dia, etc...she practically
fainted just telling me the story.. cant do much cos she x have enough money to go
to the north with the father...
First thing we did was made her call the hospital and insist that they sent him to [censored] Hospital or any other hospital in KL since they seemed to be more alert and more equipt...they refused of course...so I sent her off to [censored] the same day to solve the problem.
Whilst this was happening, SUBHANALLAH, I had a call from one Ustaz who was in town
to "help cure" another H1N1 child in Shah Alam....and was told this simple
prescription by him.....of course kena redha pada ALLAH and niat dengan sesungguh
nya...selawat 3x...
for those with sore throat please blend the apples and keep on taking till your
fever disappear and yr symtoms are gone....I cannot explain it but the child in Shah
Alam was ok too after taking this tip....
ALHAMDULILLAH. ..my staff's son was given the apple juice for the whole day on
Monday/Tuesday and dengan kuasa ALLAH he was out of the fever yesterday
Wednesday... .she called me and was crying on the phone to say that her son was out
of ICU and was able to eat normally...all these happened within just 4 days today
(thursday 6 august)...
This is just to share with my fellow sisters and brothers and hope this small info
could assist others as well, INSYA'ALLAH!!!!!!! !!! No harm in trying and kuasa ALLAH
anything can happen!!!!
--- true or nt? tak taw la
Kapersky proves that there's antivirus boom in Malaysia
Malaysian ICT software industry are seems like start to booming. Now even Kapersky Antivirus starts to appear on Malaysian TV commercial. If some Malaysian missed the Jackie Chan ads, here I put the ads taken from Youtube.
Scientist talked about apocalypse
What will happen when scientist talk about doomsday? well it will become a dokumentary
Apa akan jadi bila ahli sains memperkatakan tentang hari kiamat? well... jadi dokumentari
Apa akan jadi bila ahli sains memperkatakan tentang hari kiamat? well... jadi dokumentari
Masks in Kuala Lumpur
(in broken english)
Last Saturday, while return back to Pulau Pinang, I was trapped on the infamous Kuala Lumpur traffic jam. I see these KayEll-ites wearing masks? Why ah? Awek cun also wear mask.
What the Eff... Bawak awek pun wearing mask... Why ahh? Is it haze?
As always, my friend in KL (in the picture below) has already prepare ahead since October 2008

USM di tempat ketiga liga FAM
Kejuaraan Liga FAM 2009 menjadi milik pasukan Kelab Bolasepak Pos Malaysia selepas pasukan tersebut menumpaskan pasukan Kelab Bolasepak Staf Universiti Sains Malaysia (KBSUSM) dengan keputusan 1-0. Walaupun penjaga gol KBSUSM dan benteng pertahanan bertindak cemerlang menepis pelbagai semua serangan, akhirnya gawang KBSUSM bolos juga pada minit ke-65. Perlawanan berlansung sengit dengan dengan kedua-dua pasukan sering melakukan serangan bagi menjaringkan gol. Pasukan KBSUSM mendapat beberapa peluang keemasan namun palang gol menjadi penyelamat kepada pasukan lawan. Selepas tamat perlawanan terakhir, pasukan KBSUSM menduduki tempat ke-3 manakala pasukan Kelab Sukan Komuniti Tambun Tulang menduduki tangga ke-2 seterusnya menjadi naib johan Liga FAM 2009 selepas menumpaskan pasukan Kelab Sukan UiTM 1-0.
Tahniah diucapkan kepada pemain - pemain KBSUSM kerana telah berjuang dengan semangat yang tinggi. Bagi saya, anda semua TIDAK TEWAS kerana berjaya memenangi tempat ke-3 pada penampilan sulung liga FAM. Anda telah menunjukkan semangat kesukanan yang tinggi dan menjaga nama USM dipersada sukan bola sepak negara. Jadikan pertandingan tahun ini sebagai pengalaman yang berguna pada masa hadapan. Kelayakan pasukan KBSUSM ke Liga Perdana 2010 hanya dapat ditentukan pada minggu hadapan selepas FAM membuat keputusan format terbaru liga bola sepak negara yang dijangkakan bermesyuarat pada hari esok.
Diharap pasukan ini terus dikekalkan kerana mempunyai potensi untuk mengharumkan nama USM pada masa hadapan.
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