My College Fund

Rizman di ntv7

Hari ini saya berkesempatan untuk menelefon ntv7 membincangkan tentang Free Software and the Danger of Software Patents Public Transportation.

Berikut adalah sedutan tersebut.

Ralat Mysql (Ubuntu)

Bila anda terjumpa masalah seperti ini dalam terminal mysql
ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'

Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket /tmp/mysql.sock

dalam PhpMyAdmin


pergi ke Synaptic Package Manager

System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager
taip synaptic pada terminal

kemudian installkan semua mysql dengan mengklik APPLY

Microsoft FutureCamp 2008

Microsoft Hour LogoI have been lucky because today, Microsoft melalui it's education provider, Prestariang telah mengadakan Microsoft FutureCamp 2008. USM become the first IPTA in Malaysia 'visited' by this FutureCamp.

Microsoft FutureCamp 2008 is a special funded learning oppoturnity for university staff and students. In here, participants can discover how to build and manage an effective institution by using Microsoft latest technologies and tools to turn the campus into highly connected and manageable environment.

In this five-days-'camp', participant will learn about overview, tips, and tricks
on 3 major application of Office 2007 on the day 1. Then at day 2, we will exposed to Windows Vista, the overview of it, and highlight on enhancing its' productivity. Then there will be 3 days of mind blowing Desktop Deployment Technical Training.

Glasnost: Test if your ISP is manipulating BitTorrent traffic

Kita menggunakan bittorrent untuk memuat turun distro GNU/Linux dan perisian percuma (freeware). Akan tetapi, pembekal-pembekal perkhidmatan internet di luar negara dilaporkan sudah mula memanipulasi trafik bittorrent. Ini bermakna, anda mendapat kurang daripada 100% jalur lebar internet yang dijanjikan pembekal.

Bagaimana nak uji sama ada ISP anda sedang memanipulasikan trafik BitTorrent? Dengan menggunakan Glasnost.

Glasnost dibangunkan oleh penyelidik di Max Planck Institute for Software System untuk menyelidik ketelusan (tranparency) rangkaian internet.

Berhenti jadi malas semudah 1,2,3,4,5

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Step 1:
You're Not Lazy
The word "lazy" is a condemnation. It's shameful. It's not you.

Step 2:
If your energy level is low for months on end, get checked out by a doctor. It could be depression or illness. Make sure you're ok before moving on to step 3.

Step 3:
Write down what you want to get done - in order of importance - and put it on a daily schedule.

Step 4:
Find Your Groove
Experiment with your life. Try working at different times of day and in different locations. Maybe you need background music to keep you focused or a snack or nap at a specific time.

Step 5:
Set That Alarm
Studies show people who get up early and show up on time are happier and more productive. And eat a good breakfast. Healthful eating increases energy. So does exercise.

Step 1:
You're Not Lazy
The word "lazy" is a condemnation. It's shameful. It's not you.

Step 2:
If your energy level is low for months on end, get checked out by a doctor. It could be depression or illness. Make sure you're ok before moving on to step 3.

Step 3:
Write down what you want to get done - in order of importance - and put it on a daily schedule.

Step 4:
Find Your Groove
Experiment with your life. Try working at different times of day and in different locations. Maybe you need background music to keep you focused or a snack or nap at a specific time.

Step 5:
Set That Alarm
Studies show people who get up early and show up on time are happier and more productive. And eat a good breakfast. Healthful eating increases energy. So does exercise.
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